09 April 2009


WOW! I forgot I had this thing. I went to start one and found out I had already did it one night long ago with my friend Kristen. So yeah.

Lot has happened in the last couple of months. Let's see...I moved to Pittsburgh. I live with a crazy man for several months . Then I moved out.

I finished my bands new album "I AM BORN" . It comes out next month.

I launched my new artists management company The FOCOTheory Agency. We have lots of awesome artists. Check it out: www.myspace.com/focotheory

I moved FOCOTheory into a new buildilng. It houses the artist management firm and the recording studio. It's nice. We had to tear down some walls and I broke my hand fucking off with Jake from Maesion and Unsung Lies.

I had to have surgery for the hand so I had to cancel Darling Waste's SXSW appearance which was heartbreaking :(

I got addicted to twitter approx 2 weeks before the rest of the planet.

I went out and played some shows even though my hand was broken. They weren't The best shows but I tried.

I spent some time in NYC and a lot of time in PHILLY lately. Its been nice to travel. Im heading to Europe later this summer. I also got invited to the Cannes Film Fest in France but I'm not sure I will be able to put the trip together in such record time.

My fellow agent James and I are traveling the land this month to place HD video cameras in hip clubs across the u.s. It should be a blast.

I think that about catches everyone up.


all of lance waste's thoughts are fictitious and do not represent the real thoughts of any person, living or brain-dead. the writer of this blog does not necessarily agree with all of his opinions listed above and reserves the right to change them at will. please just completely disregard.

Blog Hard!

chat with me:aim= lancewaste
twitter= lancewaste


Noe Pacheco said...

Cool, man!! Have you artists sign up on Gighive.com. I have posted your flyers and would love to throw up some content from your agency! Check us out and sign up, again if you have to...


Noe Pacheco

Sasha said...

do you have an e-mail address?